Subversion Basics

Published on Friday, 14 November 2014

SVN - Version Control

Checking out a fresh copy from the remote repo,

svn checkout URL local_target_dir_path --username --password password_for_repo

Add files to svn repo,

svn add file_path
svn add directory_path/pattern*

Exporting a file from SVN repo,

svn export -r 5 "file:///D:/svnrepo/repo1/CoolApp/cpp/app.cpp" D:\Projects\CoolApp\app.cpp `
    --username YOUR_USER_NAME --password YOUR_PASS

Removing files,

svn remove file_path

Finally, commit, unlike git/hg in svn a commit pushes files to server as well,

svn commit D:\Projects\CoolApp --username YOUR_USER_NAME --password YOUR_PASS -m "my change summary"

Also we can do,

svn update
svn info
svn status

Running SVN Server Locally

We complete these parts with the help of svnadmin tool.

I used to use "CollabNet Subversion" to accomplish this. The software placed svnadmin binary in C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Client.

Using svnadmin we are able to create repositories locally.

svnadmin create "D:\svnrepo\repo1"

Initial import of a project into this repo,

svn import D:\Projects\CoolApp "file:///D:\svnrepo\repo1\CoolApp" -m "Initial import"

Later, to checkout from this local repo,

svn checkout "file:///D:\svnrepo\repo1\CoolApp" D:\Projects\CoolApp `
    --username YOUR_USER_NAME --password YOUR_PASS

If svn info shows an outdated local repo, we should update the checkout,

svn update