Useful Windows Commands

Published on Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Please be aware of notation below in command outlines. $ represents a command and rests of the lines following that line are output. The tradition is to utilize the "> " prompt for Windows Command Shell, however, I come from a Unix background and I defy that.

Primary ref, MSFT Win Server - Intro to Windows Command Line Shell

Control Panel Commands

These can be run from Run Command Dialog Box as well,


Few more,

Name         Description
----         -----------
appwiz.cpl   Shell Application Manager
bthprops.cpl Bluetooth Control Panel Applet
desk.cpl     Desktop Settings Control Panel
Firewall.cpl Windows Defender Firewall Control Panel DLL Launching Stub
hdwwiz.cpl   Add Hardware Control Panel Applet
inetcpl.cpl  Internet Control Panel
intl.cpl     Control Panel DLL
irprops.cpl  Infrared Control Panel Applet
joy.cpl      Game Controllers Control Panel Applet
main.cpl     Mouse and Keyboard Control Panel Applets
mmsys.cpl    Audio Control Panel
ncpa.cpl     Network Connections Control-Panel Stub
powercfg.cpl Power Management Configuration Control Panel Applet
sapi.cpl     Speech UX Control Panel
sysdm.cpl    System Applet for the Control Panel
TabletPC.cpl Tablet PC Control Panel
telephon.cpl Telephony Control Panel
timedate.cpl Time Date Control Panel Applet
wscui.cpl    Security and Maintenance


Customized ping command, waits 20 seconds for reply and keep pinging non-stop ping ref,

ping -w 20000 -t

Enable or disable Linux Subsystem feature,

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Get host name,


associating file type for extension .fob,

cmd /c assoc .fob=foobarfile
cmd /c ftype foobarfile=powershell.exe -File `"C:\path\to\your.ps1`" `"%1`"

Find files with hidden attributes,

dir /A:H general-solving\lintcode

Modify files to remove hidden attributes using attrib

attrib -h my-hidden-file.txt

Robust copy

robocopy is quite useful on recovery mode / troubleshooting on UEFI recovery image,

robocopy /zb /s SOURCE DEST

ref, MSFT Learn - Windows Server Commands

robocopy is good for copying large numbeer of files (to handle so many different cases: large files, network interruptions, file names). An example cmd,

robocopy /s /z /v /fp /eta 'D:\Movies' 'H:\' Office.*
robocopy /s /z /v /fp /eta 'D:\TV Series' 'H:\' Fringe*

Above cmds copy all files from first one (source dir) matching the pattern.

Exmple of copy over network,

robocopy /s /z /v /fp /eta '\\ENLIGHTENSOUL\Bangla\3RD Person Singular Number' 'i:\'

xcopy examples

xcopy cmd examples,

xcopy /C /F /H e:\c O:
xcopy /s /C /F /H e:\C++ O:\C++
xcopy /s /C /F /H "e:\FC back up" "o:\FC back up"
xcopy /s /C /F /H "e:\Net Workspace" "o:\Net Workspace"
xcopy /s /C /F /H f:\* Q:\*

I prefer robocopy over xcopy.

File System Management

Removing directory: delete everything inside a directory,

rd /s /q JobDetails_data


To create a symbolic link named MyDocs from the root directory to the \Users\User1\Documents directory,

mklink /d \MyDocs \Users\User1\Documents

Creates a Directory Junction instead using mklink,

$ mklink /j C:\Users\Atique\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OfficeFileCache H:\OfficeFileCache
Junction created for C:\Users\Atique\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\OfficeFileCache <<===>> H:\OfficeFileCache

Network share commands

view curently shared directories,

net share

to delete share (requires admin privilege),

$ net share NewDrama /delete
Movies      D:\Cool Movies
Softs       D:\Sourcecodes\Web\Softs

To share a directory,

net share listshare="D:\Docs"


For example usage regsvr32 of check codeproject - Windows Media Player Native Subtitle Plugin

dos features

Retrieving all cmd history,

doskey /history > copy_command.txt


Powershell is supersedes of command shell. Hence, all commands for this also run on powershell with some minor variations.